Identify and Recruit
World-Class Board Members

We’re transforming boardroom recruitment by connecting organizations with industry experts from an exclusive community of credentialed board candidates.

Our Network

See Why We Work With Executives From Companies Such As:

Why choose us

Effective Board Recruitment

Because finding the best Prospect comes from good choices, not chance.

Advance your mission

BoardAssist offers the tools you need to find Prospects with the skills and expertise to move your organization forward.

Cost-effective solution

BoardAssist blends the latest technology with our experienced human insights to offer you an extremely cost-effective solution to build boards with diverse sets of skills and perspectives.

Support at every step

BoardAssist will help you navigate every step and will continue to assist with any business challenges you may face as you grow and scale your organization.

What we will do

Board Recruitment Made Easy

BoardAssist is transforming boardroom recruitment by providing organizations with an extremely cost-effective platform to identify and recruit world-class board members.


Average Time to Fill

Candidate Pool

Pre-vetted Candidates

Guarantee Period

Background Checks

Onboarding Support



37 Days



360 Days




Recruiting Firms


120+ Days



90 Days



Our Process

How does it work?

BoardAssist is not meant to replace the internal recruitment process. Rather, BoardAssist leverages technology and our experienced human insights to supplement that process. We provide your board and nominating committee access to an exceptional community of highly-regarded board candidates who may, in fact, be more qualified than the candidate(s) you have already identified.


BoardAssist will work with your board and nominating committee to create your search criteria and strategy plan.


BoardAssist will identify great board candidates based on your corporation’s unique requirements and initiate an outreach.


BoardAssist will help your board and nominating committee conduct interviews and run a candidate assessment matrix to find the best fit.


We work with your team to construct an attractive offer. Once the executive accepts the offer, BoardAssist will assist with onboarding and transition.


Our recruiting philosophy

At BoardAssist, our clients and candidates drive our future.

We successfully recruited our most recent board member through BoardAssist. They provided us exposure to phenomenal board candidates. Everyone on their team was always gracious and timely with response and service. I highly recommend them to any company trying to improve boardroom efficiency.

Victor H.
Partner @ CP Capital

Join Us Today

Identify and Recruit World-Class Board Members

BoardAssist is transforming boardroom recruitment by providing organizations with an extremely cost-effective platform to identify and recruit world class board members.